Chris Evans does a good job of portraying the goofy comic relief character as a main character with gravitas and the capacity for an emotional journey. It's a more serious, introspective take on the character, and it works.
SOX, the robot cat, stole the show. If there's a cat, it's my favorite character. Solid Pixar film, fun sci-fi action with a good moral lesson about teamwork.
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Little nitpick, but after setting up that this was Andy from Toy Story's favorite movie, they didn't connect that theme with a little post-credit scene of Andy sitting in his living room, having just watched the movie with us. That would have been a fun nod.
The film seems to forget multiple times that Buzz's entire journey, from his perspective, has occurred over the course of a few days. Buzz himself has a line with the phrase "it's been so long..." Sir, it's been less than a week.