New episode up! 📜
In which Ash tries to learn the secret of the standing stones and the sitting statue.
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The song conjured an image of a dozen gnomes sitting atop the stones. Raising their large, chiseled noses to the sky, they sang along in a chorus. Dawn looked around, hearing them. A gleam in the monk’s crystal flower caught her eye. Reaching out, she ran a gentle finger over its small, carven petals. 'What kind of flower is this?'
Zeek glanced up at it. 'Pensive.'
Dawn gave him a curious look, but he’d already put his head back down. 'Why does a cat know so much about flowers?'
Ash shrugged. Her hands drifted along the strings of her melarne, lost in the meditative melody. The monk’s crystal flower shone where Dawn had touched it. 'Is that glowing, or am I seeing things?'
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You can start from the beginning by going here: